Theater is an amazing teacher, even when you least expect it. I started in theater when I was three years old and grew up performing. It was a passion and a love for becoming a character and entertaining others that kept me coming back. I had no idea what impact my experience would have on shaping me as an individual and professional. As I began my career educating others and leading organizations through change, I connected the dots.... The theater dots that is! Now I am excited to share these amazing lessons with you!
Our first lesson is - Theater Teaches... Sharing the Spotlight Even a one woman show has a crew behind her to help make the show into a functional production. Without the team the show would be one person alone on a dark stage without an audience. Theater teaches us how to not just accept others into our space, but how to depend on others and how to support others in order to reach a goal! Accepting others in our space It can be hard to share the stage or your space with others. A production requires a group of actors to come together and tell a story. Some actors have many lines others may have just one, but each and every line is important and takes the spotlight at the right time. As an actor you learn when to step into the spotlight and when to take a step back and let others shine. Depending on Others They always say the secret to acting is "reacting" to others on stage. It is so very true! Have you ever tried to play more than one role? I know some of you have.....Its hard and it is almost impossible to do on stage. All actors and production members learn to lean on others for support. The theater helps you drop your guard and accept the help of others. On stage, your fellow actors are part of the story and they are there to help you and the story shine. Sometimes they are there to help you when h you forget a line or when the audience doesn't "get the joke". It becomes a comfort to know the people you are performing with, have your back. Off stage production members work to make the "illusion" of the story come to life and enhance the work of the actors. Together it becomes a escape into a story and another world. Helping Others The door swings both ways and in theater we learn to give back. Perhaps it is through the appreciation of what others have done for you, or through the love of seeing others succeed, but we all learn to give as much as we get. Successful theater leaves all the Drama on Stage and highlights the best of teamwork. Just like any other team, we all succeed and fail together. One "star" can ruin an entire show. Every actor and production member has designated responsibilities, if one is left undone, a prop wall can fall on another actor and that has the capability of releasing a chain of events that will derail and entire production. Helping others is running over and holding up that wall, so another actor can perform and finish their scene! (don's laugh... I was onstage many years ago and had a wall fall on me)
Kids 2021 Fall Production Class
September 14th - November 4th, 20201 Theater: Creative Learning Society Theater (The Agatha) Ages 8-15 Rehearsal Dates & Times: Tuesdays 5:30pm – 7:30pm, Sept 14 – Nov 2, 2021 Tech Week Dates: Wed – Fri ,Nov 2-4 5:30pm – 7:30pm Performance Dates: Nov. 5th & 6th at 7:30pm and Nov 7th at 2:30pm Tuition: $325 Welcome back to the wonderful world of OZ. Our Fall kids production will take everyone back to one of our favorite stories, The Wizard of OZ! Please note: this is not a musical, however, we will add a few music numbers to the show. No auditions necessary. All students will be assigned a role after auditions during the first day of class. The play is professionally directed and performs on our in Creative Learning Society stage in Rosenberg. For this production we have both Character (acting) roles and Crew roles! Character roles available for 15-20 actors Crew Roles 6 available!!! These roles are for students who are interested in learning the behind the scenes workings of a production. They will work on building sets, props and costumes and assisting in the productions needs during the performance |
AuthorCreative Learning Society is a Team Building company. We believe in the power of "Play" and strive to build a platform of education built on creativity, fun and knowlege growth! Archives
January 2022